Foxfire Fast On Trail


Southchase's Wilbert Roy

Foxfire Fifty-Five Blues

Foxfire-Hothouse Snakeroot

Foxfire Muscadine Wine

Southchase's Dare To Dream

Southchase's It Happened One Night

Rockytop Swamp Witch CD

Foxfire Fashionista

Vikingsholm Clarence


Blue Mountain Hulday

Foxfire Muscadine Wine

Rockins'S The Joker O'Foxfire

Iainliam Annie Got Your Coon

Aisha Černé Eso

HD A, ED 0
JCh CZ, 2x BOB
European Winner

Breathtaker Rock Me Amadeus

The Breath Taker of Weslen

Southchase's Brother Eli

Morning Glorys Patence of Weslen

Southchase-The Breath Takers Leading Lady

Foxfire Fifty-Five Blues

Southchas's Dare To Dream

Adele Yellow Queen

Windbourne Cowboy Up

Designer Southern Enterprise

Windbourne Cabaraet

Jazzmann When The Dealin's Done

Windbourne Every Hand's A Winner

Rockytop Jaz-z Tamished Halo